The Age of Prototyping

The Age of Prototyping

On December 3, 2019, LBS hosted the 6th fireplace talk out of a talk series organized by FHWien der WKW and LBS in the frame of a collaborative project (“Internationalization@home”) funded by the City of Vienna, MA23. As an essential part of the project, the fireplace...
The Economics of Climate Change

The Economics of Climate Change

Christian Reiner, senior researcher at LBS, was invited by the Carinthian Economic Society (Volkswirtschaftliche Gesellschaft Kärnten) to deliver a talk on the economics of climate change. About 100 visitors attended the talk on October 3rd 2019 in Klagenfurt, Carinthia’s capital. Mr Reiner stressed the economic case for ambitious climate policy as well as the chances for business.

Our Latest Faculty Exchange

Our Latest Faculty Exchange

Lauder Business School students, staff and faculty have the opportunity to participate in the Erasmus+ mobility program and visit one of our partner universities in Israel: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, IDC Herzliya, and Bar-Ilan University. Check out this...
Researching Real Estate Economics

Researching Real Estate Economics

Christian Reiner, senior researcher at LBS, has published a peer-reviewed article with the title “Concordance of office market cycles? Dynamics in European metropolises in the context of the financial and economic crisis”. The paper is joint work together with Robert Musil from the Austrian Academy of Sciences. It is published in the well-established, peer-reviewed German journal “Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie”. The topic of the paper is strongly related to the LBS study program Strategic Finance & Business Analytics.

Cooperation Agreement with the City of Vienna

Cooperation Agreement with the City of Vienna

Lauder Business School signed a cooperation agreement with the City of Vienna together with 22 other Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences located in Vienna. On May 14, 2019, Mayor Michael Ludwig signed a cooperation agreement with the Viennese higher education institutions in the City Hall, together with rectors, directors and board members of 23 universities, colleges and universities of applied sciences.

Researching Innovation in Austria

Researching Innovation in Austria

Christian Reiner, senior researcher at LBS, has co-authored the “Austrian Research and Technology Report 2019”. This annual report has been published by three Austrian ministries and written by external experts from applied research institutes and universities. Given the importance of the report for the wider public, it is an honour to contribute to this official publication.

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