Fireplace Talk with the Managing Board Member of NÖM

Fireplace Talk with the Managing Board Member of NÖM

On April 4 we were pleased to welcome Ing. Josef Simon, Director of Production and Technology at NÖM, the largest Austrian private milk producer with 1.2 million liters of fresh milk per day and a turnover of 400 million euros per year. NÖM’s portfolio includes a wide range of dairy products of which 45% are exported to other European countries.

Peek into our IOT Futuretrail Master’s Course

Peek into our IOT Futuretrail Master’s Course

From a distance the digital and analog blue planet looks the same – but for present and future business leaders it is crucial to know the difference in order to understand their digital transformation.That´s where the Internet of Things (IOT) Futuretrail Course conducted by our lecturer Mag. Robert Kotal kicks in, using a complete new teaching approach W-A-V-E.

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