Introducing the Graduate Research Assistant Program

Introducing the Graduate Research Assistant Program

Lauder Business School is happy to announce the introduction of the Graduate Research Assistant Program (GRA) starting from the spring term 2017. This is an educational program providing students with relevant research experience while they pursue a Mastersโ€™ degree at LBS. Graduate Research Assistants (GRAs) work with faculty on academic and research projects, both at LBS and in the field.

Urban attraction policies

Urban attraction policies

Lauder Business School is proud to announce that our Senior Researcher Dr. Christian Reiner has published a new paper in the international and prestigious Journal โ€œCitiesโ€ (impact factor 2.051). As the lead author, he wrote the article together with Susanne Meyer from the Austrian Institute of Technology and Sascha Sardadvar from WPZ Research, Vienna. The paper compares attraction policies for academic talent of two highly developed Central European metropolitan cities. The authors have developed a heuristic framework in order to analyse political actions that aim at attracting international academic talents.

GAEA โ€“ a brand analysis (Winkelbauer GmbH)

GAEA โ€“ a brand analysis (Winkelbauer GmbH)

Objectives of the project
Winkelbauer GmbH is an Austrian medium-sized company that distributes premium international nutrition brands in Austria. Lauder Business School was contacted by the company to deliver support for marketing analysis, as well as related recommendations for GAEA products, which are distributed by Winkelbauer GmbH in Austria. GAEA is a company that sells products made in Greece such as various types of olive oils and olives.

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