Worried about not getting to Austria on time?

Worried about not getting to Austria on time?

All enrolled and future students outside of Austria will have the option of participating in online learning.   As many embassies are closed and travel is restricted due to the corona virus outbreak, we will continue to offer online studies as long as the...
Updates on the Coronavirus

Updates on the Coronavirus

Dear Students,

Due to the current situation we are following the recommendation of The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and ending all on-campus lectures and events as of Thursday, March 12th until further notice. Lectures will be held as online courses and in online chatrooms as far as possible.

#PeaceBell Kick-off in the Austrian Parliament

#PeaceBell Kick-off in the Austrian Parliament

On March 9, our second semester International Management & Leadership students were invited to a “Peace workshop” in the Austrian Parliament by Member of the Parliament Mag. Martin Engelberg. The workshop primarily served to kick off the Peacebell project within the framework of the course Empirical Research Methods.

Fireplace Talk with the CEO of Magenta

Fireplace Talk with the CEO of Magenta

On November 21 we were honoured to host Dr. Andreas Bierwirth, CEO of Magenta Telekom, in the Lauder Business School ballroom. He inspired both the attending students and lecturers with his fireplace talk on courage and decisions, the role they played in his career path and the challenges facing the telecommunications industry as well as the leaders of tomorrow.

Collaboration with the Social City Vienna

Collaboration with the Social City Vienna

For this year’s course, LBS Senior Lecturer for Research Methods, Dr. Verena Régent, found a particularly interesting partnership: Together with the Viennese organization “Social City Wien”, the Irish/American musician and artist Michael Patrick Kelly will create a #Peacebell for the city of Vienna.

The Age of Prototyping

The Age of Prototyping

On December 3, 2019, LBS hosted the 6th fireplace talk out of a talk series organized by FHWien der WKW and LBS in the frame of a collaborative project (“Internationalization@home”) funded by the City of Vienna, MA23. As an essential part of the project, the fireplace...
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