Master Class of 2019 – Congratulations!

Master Class of 2019 – Congratulations!

On September 20, we were delighted to welcome many proud families and friends to the Lauder Business School campus for a Masters graduation ceremony. The ceremony started with a welcoming speech by our Executive Director Alexander Zirkler in the beautiful baroque LBS ballroom. In his address, he highlighted the international quality of both our Master programs and drew the parallel: “The value of your diplomas will increase in time like the value of a good painting.”

Blockchain Seminars – Be One Step Ahead

Blockchain Seminars – Be One Step Ahead

Whether you are a technical person, a business individual or simply interested in future technologies and the latest trends, our program gives you expert insights into this vibrant field and guides your path to becoming a Blockchain professional.

Congratulations to the Class of 2019

Congratulations to the Class of 2019

On June 28 we were pleased to welcome numerous families and friends to the Lauder Business School campus for a graduation celebration. In his welcome address our Executive Director Alexander Zirkler congratulated the graduates and introduced our Guest of Honor, the US Ambassador to Austria – his Excellency Trevor D. Traina.

Fireplace Talk with the CEO of Austrian Airlines

Fireplace Talk with the CEO of Austrian Airlines

On June 19 we were delighted to host the CEO of Austrian Airlines, Dr. Alexis von Hoensbroech, in the Lauder Business School ball room. He delivered an inspiring fireplace talk about his career path, the aviation industry in general, and the Austrian Airlines company structure and strategy.

Admissions are Open

Admissions are Open

We are pleased to announce that the application process for the upcoming academic year 2019/2020 has started! All applicants who are interested in applying either for the Bachelor Program “International Business Administration”, or one of our two Master Programs “International Management and Leadership” or “Strategic Finance and Business Analytics” are kindly requested to register online and start their application though our online admission tool.

Young Israeli Leaders visiting Lauder Business School

On December 1, 2016, Lauder Business School hosted a Young Israeli Leaders Delegation consisting of 30 participants working for various organizations in the public and private sector in Israel. The purpose of this visit was to introduce Lauder Business School to the leaders of tomorrow and to identify potential areas of cooperation. The delegation was accompanied by Dr. Teresa Indjein and Dr. Markus Benesch from the Cultural and Integration Sections of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs, as well as Dr. Susanne Keppler-Schlesinger, the Deputy Director of the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna.

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