

The Lauder Business School becomes a member of the “Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP)”!

LBS teams up with the Institute for Advanced Studies to run pilot for RRI course

LBS teams up with the Institute for Advanced Studies to run pilot for RRI course

The Institute for Advanced Studies (Institut für Höhere Studien, IHS) (link to http://www.ihs.ac.at/) developed a modular curriculum as part of the European project HEIRRI: Higher Education Institutions & Responsible Research and Innovation. The project aims to integrate the concept of “Responsible Research and Innovation”, or RRI, focusing on universities and other higher education institutions (HEI).

Public Discussion on Neoliberalism

Public Discussion on Neoliberalism

Dr. Christian Reiner, our Senior Researcher at Lauder Business School will participate in a public discussion on economic policy in Austria and Germany since the 1970s as a guest speaker. The event will take place on Tuesday, March 7 at 18:30 in the specialist bookshop of the ÖGB publisher (Fachbuchhandlung des ÖGB Verlags), located in Vienna in Rathausstraße 21.

LBS concluded a MoU with Bar-Ilan University

LBS concluded a MoU with Bar-Ilan University

Lauder Business School concluded a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Bar-Ilan University which sets the path for future staff and student mobility. Bar-Ilan University is the fastest-growing institution of higher education in Israel and offers BA, MA and PhD degrees on an award-winning campus near Tel Aviv.

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