[vc_row row_type=”row” type=”full_width” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern” padding_top=”50″ padding_bottom=”50″][vc_column][vc_accordion style=”toggle” collapsible=”yes”][vc_accordion_tab title=”Central and Eastern European e-Democracy and e-Government Network (Budapest, Hungary)”][vc_column_text]Prof. (FH) Dr. Elisabeth Kübler
Erasmus staff mobility (SMT)
May 6-8, 2015

Prof. Dr. Alexander Prosser, Prof. (FH) Dr. Elisabeth Kübler, Prof. Dr. Robert Müller-Török (University of Applied Sciences Ludwigsburg)
Contemporary concepts of government take into account the interplay of technological innovation, citizens’ participation and business competitiveness. The Central and Eastern European e-Democracy and e-Government Network regularly brings together scholars, practitioners, and high-level decision-makers from the public sector (e.g. the Austrian Federal Chancellery and the Council of Europe). The network’s core objective is to discuss topics such as open data, a European Internet, citizen participation in the EU, and age and digital divide. A strand of activities which has proven to be particularly compelling for LBS is smart cities.
Thanks to the initiative of Professor Dr. Alexander Prosser, who lectures at LBS and the Vienna University of Economics and Business and also acts as chair of the CEE eDem and eGov Conference, the Institute of Competitiveness at LBS will contribute its business research expertise to the CEE eDem/eGov Network. Concretely, LBS will convene a session on the linkage of smart cities and urban competitiveness for the upcoming conference in 2016.
LBS’s Head of Research and International Relations Prof. (FH) Dr. Elisabeth Kübler was invited to this year’s CEE eDem and eGov Conference, which took place at Andrássy University in Budapest. International experts from several European countries, North America and Asia addressed smart city questions from different angles, such as citizen empowerment via online platforms and digital services, public policy formation, and local development. The IoC at LBS is excited to complement this existing knowledge with its strengths in applied business research and microeconomic analysis.[/vc_column_text][/vc_accordion_tab][vc_accordion_tab title=”University of Lower Silesia, Wroclaw, Poland”][vc_column_text]Prof. (FH) Mag. (FH) Roksela Miha
Erasmus Staff Mobility
12-15 May 2014
“Multiculturalism“ today: aspirations, realities and crisis debates – LBS participates at the 3rd conference of ESREA Migration, Ethnicity, Racism and Xenophobia Network, May 2014
ESREA (European Society for Research on the Education of Adults) promotes and disseminates theoretical and empirical research on the education of adults and adult learning in Europe through research networks, conferences and publications. It provides a Europe-wide forum for all researchers engaged in adult education and learning.
This years’ ESREA conference took place in May 2014 at the University of Lower Silesia in Wroclaw, Poland. It focused on analyses, elaboration and further discussions related to the controversial concept of ‘Multiculturalism’, which thus far has often failed to merge different societies to produce a unified culture while embracing the uniqueness of each individual.
Scholarly research and theoretical reflections from a range of areas including educational institutions, media and politics, community and family, civil society groups and organizations presented possibly reliable ways to further develop an understanding of the concept of ‘Multiculturalism’ and its changing conditions while envisioning a more inclusive future for all.
Moreover, the participants from over 20 European and non-European countries sought for answers as how to best understand and practice the multiculturalism condition. Furthermore the papers asked for opportunities and aspirations as well as for failures, traps and various ways of thinking intercultural challenges in higher education and adult learning.
Valuing intercultural relations within a diverse faculty and student body is one of the most striking features of Lauder Business School. In this context, Prof. (FH) Mag. (FH) Roksela Miha presented a paper on the application of diversity workshops in higher education institutions at this years’ ESREA conference. These workshops, which were developed as part of the recently concluded Mobiliversity project, aim at creating inclusive excellence. Classrooms, workplaces and communities are becoming increasingly diverse and therefore learning to effectively interact with dissimilar individuals, while understanding, valuing and embracing differences, is essential for members of organizations and higher education institutions as such. To sustain and master skills and competencies, developing attitudes, building knowledge on the significance and strength of diversity, requires further education and making effective use of diversity trainings and/or workshops.
Roksela Miha’s participation at ESREA gained her and LBS invaluable insight knowledge on how other international higher education institutions are innovatively addressing diversity. What is more, taking part in an ESREA event at the University of Lower Silesia was an outstanding opportunity to (a) increase contacts with other renowned actors in HEI diversity management, and to (b) get to better know a Polish university for potential future collaboration.[/vc_column_text][/vc_accordion_tab][vc_accordion_tab title=”Ioan Alexandru Cuza University of Iasi, Romania”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Prof. (FH) Dr. Elisabeth Kübler
Erasmus staff mobility
5-10 May 2014
As part of LBS’s continuous effort to expand its network of renowned international partners, IML director of studies Elisabeth Kuebler seized the opportunity to visit Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi (UAIC) in Romania.
UAIC is not only Romania’s oldest university but, based on the Shanghai ranking, also the country’s top higher education institution. Located in a thriving city in North-East Romania, prestigious UAIC is home to over 26.000 students and 800 academic staff. The university currently cooperates with 250 academic partners worldwide, and is member of leading international and European academic associations.
The exchange of ideas and best-practices between LBS and UAIC focused on our institutions particular strengths. Whilst UAIC faculty and staff members shared their experiences in cutting-edge research and teaching as well as international mobility, LBS provided insights into managing a highly diverse boutique business school whose core objective is to prepare students for business careers. Meetings took place with Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Henri Luchian, Dean Prof. Dr. Dinu Airinei, Prof. Dr. Constantin Sasu (Department Head of Management, Marketing and Business Administration) and other distinguished representatives of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.
A particular highlight of this Erasmus mobility measure was the 8th Conference of UAIC’s Doctoral School of Economics and Business Administration, which was convened by Prof. Dr. Adriana Prodan. On this occasion, Elisabeth Kuebler delivered a keynote on Academic Careers at Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences. The ensuing discussion with local academics and practitioners raised numerous intriguing topics on cross-national and cross-sectorial synergies in higher education. Iulian and Liviu Warter, two Iasi-based consultants and PhD candidates, stressed the benefits of intercultural management projects with an academic partner abroad.
In her capacity as Vice-Dean of International Relations at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Prof. Dr. Carmen Pintilescu emphasised UAIC’s request for closer collaboration with LBS. According to Prof. Dr. Adriana Zait, UAIC is profoundly interested in LBS’s expertise in practical training, employability, and the strengthening of industry ties. Currently joint master theses and a visiting professorship of an UAIC faculty member at LBS are being envisaged.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_accordion_tab][/vc_accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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