NOM student consultancy project

Lauder Business School´s second “Student Consultancy Project” encompassed a team of 8 motivated International Management and Leadership (IML) Master´s students, who were working on a challenging project with the following research question: “What strategies can be implemented to enhance the appeal of NÖM‘s fruit yogurt lines among Generation Z, thereby establishing a strong consumer base for future household decision-makers and securing long-term market presence?”

“For several years, our IML students have consistently generated research of exceptional quality that facilitated companies in enhancing their marketing strategies and product development initiatives. We have been privileged to receive overwhelming appreciation from all our partnering companies,” says Dr. Sandra Pauser, M.A./Project Coordinator. “In turn, they find satisfaction in supporting our students’ learning journey by shaping the next generation of skilled professionals,” states Dr. Pauser.

Austria’s second largest dairy company employs over 700 employees. It has a tradition of over 125 years, NÖM is renowned for its dairy products ranging from milk and milk-based drinks, yoghurt in a wide variety of flavours, butter and cream. NÖM is also the first dairy company in Austria that launched the fruit flavoured yoghurt brand: NÖM fru fru, widely loved by consumers of all ages. The company processes milk from over 2,300 regional farmers every year. What differentiates NÖM AG from its competitors is their ability to cover the entire value chain: they invest heavily in research and development so that they control the journey of their products from product development to delivery to the customer. Aside from their commitment to regional development and cooperation with local communities, the company is also involved in social and ecological projects, and it prides itself in being the first CO2-neutral dairy company in Austria.

The LBS IML students conducted empirical research for NÖM by implementing qualitative and quantitative studies. First, an in-depth literature search served as the basis for their empirical work. Second, focus group discussions were held in a professional manner where study participants underwent a product tasting and provided their personal opinions and ideas. Finally, a survey complemented their research. As a result, the student group provided innovative marketing and advertising strategies, and presented their recommendations to the Product- & Brandmanager at NÖM AG. Between October 2023 and April 2024, students participated in multiple meetings, prepared for their interim and final presentations, and went through regular feedback sessions with their academic supervisor and the cooperation partner. “The Student Consultancy Project was very enriching for us. The results were well-founded and provide a great basis for further use. The students were very motivated, and the studies were carried out very professionally. Getting an outside perspective from the students was very valuable for us. We will be happy to support further projects. A great initiative by Lauder Business School for both sides!” – Lisa Magdalena Wolf, Product- & Brandmanager NÖM AG.

The student consultancy projects have one main goal: to equip our master´s students with the practical experience they need to work in international companies from diverse industries. These experiences enable them to adapt to various challenges, to conduct themselves in C-Level meetings with confidence, and make of them invaluable employees in the long run – by the time they graduate, they will have the knowledge to confidently ace any job interview.

For the partnering company, the consultancy project brings tremendous value: not only are fresh ideas brought to the table, but also additional resources, which come at no extra cost for the business. At the end of the project, the students produce tangible outcomes – a vast report with an in-depth analysis of the case, a detailed presentation and their own recommendations, which crown their extensive research.

Lauder Business School expresses its sincere appreciation for NÖM AG for partnering with us, and to Dr. Pauser for her constant dedication.

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