
Published monograph by IML 2007 graduate Leony Kaikov


We proudly present Leony Kaikov’s recently published monograph, which is based on her master thesis written under the supervision of Prof. (FH) Dr. Edith Singer. Leony Kaikov was enrolled in the IML 2007 cohort and successfully graduated in 2009.


We are living unpredictable and uncertain times, in a global world where it becomes more difficult to focus simultaneously on meeting the demands of managing business and providing effective leadership to the organization’s people. Therefore, beside the new way of thinking, analyzing and controlling the managing process, the usage of Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence becomes needed in order to better integrate into today’s business world. Various studies of men and women executives in different companies found that: women outperform men in 28 of 31 soft skill areas (identified as essential part of EI). Although women leaders will demonstrate higher level of emotional and social intelligence competences than man in leadership positions, they are still far from being equally represented in management positions. The purpose of this paper is to explore if and to what extent Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Social Intelligence (SI) are relevant for management positions in the business world. In addition, it will identify what are the obstacles that many women face today when it comes to climbing the career ladder.

Reference: Kaikov, Leony (2013). Emotional and social in Emotional and social intelligence as crucial success factors in today’s business world. Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing

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