LBS Best & Brightest

LBS Best & Brightest

Lauder Business School honors its most accomplished students with a bestowal of the Director’s List. The Director’s List is a type of scholarship that recognizes the achievement of Bachelor and Master students semester by semester. In order to be eligible for the Director’s List, students must have a semester GA of 1.25 or below (based on first exam attempts with a minimum of 25 examined ECTS in the respective semester). In recognition of the extraordinary academic achievement in the spring term 2016/2017, two master students have been placed on the Director’s List — congratulations to Ramona SCHILLEIN (IML 2016; GA: 1.17) and Katharina HÖFLER (IML 2016, GA: 1,25)!



We are very pleased to announce the beginning of the new academic year 2017/2018 on September 26!

The LBS faculty and staff wish all our new and returning students a good start! We hope that you have refilled your energy reserves during the summer and that you are now ready for the new challenges to come.

Managing and Transferring Knowledge

Managing and Transferring Knowledge

Dipl. Ing. Annette Hexelschneider, teaching Managing Knowledge and Intellectual Capital in the IML master’s program at Lauder Business School, has recently published the article “Wissenstransfer: Weniger ist mehr!” (Knowledge Transfer: Less is more) in the journal for top executives “Zeitschrift für Wissensmanagement” (Journal for Knowledge Management), the first German magazine exclusively covering knowledge management. Moreover, she has recently presented her newly developed Toolbox for knowledge transfer at the IMEX 2017 exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany. In an interview with the LBS Marketing team, she reveals details about her work as well as her teaching experience at LBS.

LBS concluded a MoU with Bar-Ilan University

LBS concluded a MoU with Bar-Ilan University

Lauder Business School concluded a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Bar-Ilan University which sets the path for future staff and student mobility. Bar-Ilan University is the fastest-growing institution of higher education in Israel and offers BA, MA and PhD degrees on an award-winning campus near Tel Aviv.

Young Israeli Leaders visiting Lauder Business School

On December 1, 2016, Lauder Business School hosted a Young Israeli Leaders Delegation consisting of 30 participants working for various organizations in the public and private sector in Israel. The purpose of this visit was to introduce Lauder Business School to the leaders of tomorrow and to identify potential areas of cooperation. The delegation was accompanied by Dr. Teresa Indjein and Dr. Markus Benesch from the Cultural and Integration Sections of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs, as well as Dr. Susanne Keppler-Schlesinger, the Deputy Director of the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna.

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