LBS concluded a MoU with Bar-Ilan University

LBS concluded a MoU with Bar-Ilan University

Lauder Business School concluded a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Bar-Ilan University which sets the path for future staff and student mobility. Bar-Ilan University is the fastest-growing institution of higher education in Israel and offers BA, MA and PhD degrees on an award-winning campus near Tel Aviv.

LBS and IDC Herzliya have signed a Memorandum of Understanding

LBS and IDC Herzliya have signed a Memorandum of Understanding

Lauder Business School (LBS) and Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to set the basis for their student, staff and lecturer exchange in the frame of Erasmus+. Thus, IDC Herzliya is the second Israeli institution that LBS is intending to collaborate with very closely, the first being Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

Guest Lecturers in the BFC Classrooms

Guest Lecturers in the BFC Classrooms

Ing. Mag. Robert Kotal CFPยฎEFAยฎ, professor in the Banking, Finance and Compliance (BFC) masterโ€™s degree program at Lauder Business School, invited two guest lecturers to contribute their professional expertise to his teaching sessions. On November 21, 2016, Mag. Leopold Quell, Senior Fund Manager at Raiffeisen Capital Management and a Certified Portfolio Manager (CPM) gave a lecture as part of the Financial Instruments and Trading course. He has been a fund manager for 16 years and become a specialist for managing funds in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

Urban attraction policies

Urban attraction policies

Lauder Business School is proud to announce that our Senior Researcher Dr. Christian Reiner has published a new paper in the international and prestigious Journal โ€œCitiesโ€ (impact factor 2.051). As the lead author, he wrote the article together with Susanne Meyer from the Austrian Institute of Technology and Sascha Sardadvar from WPZ Research, Vienna. The paper compares attraction policies for academic talent of two highly developed Central European metropolitan cities. The authors have developed a heuristic framework in order to analyse political actions that aim at attracting international academic talents.

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