
Venture Capital Trends: A Fireplace Talk with Mag. Berthold Baurek-Karlic

We recently had the privilege of hosting Mag. Berthold Baurek-Karlic, founder and managing director of Venionaire Capital, at our Fireplace Talk. As a recognized figure in the realms of mergers, acquisitions, and venture capital, Mr. Baurek-Karlic shared insights from his extensive career, focusing on innovation, entrepreneurship, and investment strategies.

Private Bank of the Princely Family of Liechtenstein represented at LBS event on campus

The private banking sector, often seen as a world of glamour and exclusivity akin to a spy novel, remains out of reach for most. On March 12, Master Students at Lauder Business School were given a rare glimpse into this elite world by Adam Lessing, Ph.D., Head of Relationship Management at LGT Bank Österreich, who shared insights into the bank’s services and its commitment to long-term, sustainable success.

Successful entrepreneur Ben Ruschin delivered inspiring talk at Lauder Business School

Successful entrepreneur Ben Ruschin shared his inspiring journey at Lauder Business School, proving that resilience, perseverance, and innovative thinking are key to overcoming failures. From multiple setbacks to a company worth 500 million Euros, Ben’s story is a masterclass in turning failures into stepping stones. His candid discussion with LBS students offered invaluable insights into building a thriving entrepreneurial career.

Mag. Roland Schöbel, PwC Austria, addressed LBS students at Fireplace Talk

On 5 December 2022, Lauder business School re-opened its Fireplace Talks series with Mag. Roland Schöbel, Partner and Member of the Territorial Leadership Team at PwC Austria. He shared his insights on his current work at PwC and offered advice to your students willing to follow in his footsteps.

Fireplace Talk with the CEO of Magenta

Fireplace Talk with the CEO of Magenta

On November 21 we were honoured to host Dr. Andreas Bierwirth, CEO of Magenta Telekom, in the Lauder Business School ballroom. He inspired both the attending students and lecturers with his fireplace talk on courage and decisions, the role they played in his career path and the challenges facing the telecommunications industry as well as the leaders of tomorrow.

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