The course Operations in the IML program provides an overview of the fields of operations and business processes management from an integrated supply- and demand-driven perspective. It aims at insights into operations management problems, and elaborates on quantitative solutions thereto. As a consequence of integrated quality processes in today’s business elements Supply Chain Management issues receive special attention.

In order to experience the course contents first-hand in a renowned company, LBS organized an excursion to the ground handling division at Vienna International Airport (VIE). The IML 2013 students had the unique opportunity to look behind the scenes of an international airport.

In 2013 Vienna International Airport, being the biggest airport in Austria, counted some 22 million passengers, of which 6.8 million were transfer passengers, and 256.194 tons of cargo. In recent years the airport has positioned itself as a strong player between Central and Eastern European countries by serving as hub for Austrian Airlines and Air Berlin/Niki. The deregulated ground handling business, which is carried out predominantly by the airport itself (98% of market share), offered highly valuable practical insights for Operations students into business processes in logistics. Furthermore, they learned which planning activities are involved in order to provide excellent services. Both are prerequisites for their customers to have short aircraft turnaround-times and very low Minimum Connecting Time (MCT) for transfer passengers.

During the airport excursion, the IML 2013 cohort got a significant grasp of applying state-of-the-art instruments to manage operational problems. Moreover such indispensable study visits showcase potential career paths at leading industry partners, and bring together promising graduate-level students with top employers.

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