
International Management and Leadership

Courses Per Semester 2024/25

Curriculum starting as of Fall Term 2024/2025



NOTE: By clicking on each course, you can access the learning outcomes of the respective course.


1st Semester – Fall Term



MODULE COURSES ECTS Presence hours / Online elements per week
Business Research Academic Writing 2 1 / 0.5
International Management Business Process and Quality Management 2 1.5/ 0.5
Finance and Controlling Corporate Finance 3 2 / 0
Finance and Controlling Cost and Financial Accounting 4 3.5 / 0
Entrepreneurial Leadership Entrepreneurship & Innovation 2 0.67 / 1.33
Entrepreneurial Leadership International Business 3 0.75 / 0.75
Entrepreneurial Leadership Leadership Skills 2 2 / 0
International Markets and Competitiveness Managerial Economics 2 1.5 / 0.5
International Markets and Competitiveness Marketing Management 3 1.33 / 0.67
Entrepreneurial Leadership Organizational Behavior and Change 3 1.125 / 0.375
Finance and Controlling Statistics 4 2.5 / 0
  TOTAL 30 17.875 / 4.625

2nd Semester – Spring Term



MODULE COURSES ECTS Presence hours / Online elements per week
Business Research Critical Thinking & Business Ethics 3 2.5 / 0
Business Research Empirical Research Methods 3 0.5 / 1.5
International Management Human Resource Management in Practice 2 1.5/ 0.5
International Management International Sales and Diversity Marketing 2 0.5 / 1
International Markets and Competitiveness Macroeconomics 3 2 / 0
Finance and Controlling Managerial Accounting 3 2 / 0
Entrepreneurial Leadership Project Management and Agile Methods 3 2 / 1
Entrepreneurial Leadership Quantitative Business Analysis 4 2 / 0
Business Research Quantitative Data Analysis and Data Science 4 1.5 / 1.5
International Management Supply Chain Management 3 2.5 / 0.5
  TOTAL 30 17 / 6

3rd Semester – Fall Term



MODULE COURSES ECTS Presence hours / Online elements per week
Business Research Argumentation and Debate 3 2 / 0
Finance and Controlling Financial Data Sources and Software – Bloomberg 3 2 / 0
International Markets and Competitiveness Green Business Models and Sustainability 2 0.75 / 0.75
International Management International Business Law 3 1.6667 / 0.8333
Entrepreneurial Leadership Management Consulting (Capstone!) 3 2 / 0
International Management Online and Social Media Marketing 2 1.5 / 0.5
Entrepreneurial Leadership Personal Audit 2 1 / 0.5
International Management Project Management in Practice 2 1.33 / 0.67
Business Research Research Proposal 3 1 / 1.5
International Management Strategy and Competitive Advantage (Capstone!) 3 2 / 0
International Markets and Competitiveness Student Consultancy Project (Capstone!) 4 1 / 0.5
  TOTAL 30 16.2467 / 5.2533


4th Semester – Spring Term

MODULE COURSES ECTS Presence hours / Online elements per week
International Markets and Competitiveness Business Simulation 1 0 / 1
Finance and Controlling Case Studies (Capstone!) 2 1.5 / 0
Finance and Controlling Enterprise Resource Planning – SAP 5 3 / 0
International Markets and Competitiveness Internet of Things in Business – Future Trail 1 1 / 0.5
All Modules Master Commission Exam 3 0 / 0
Business Research Master Thesis (Capstone!) 15 0 / 0
Business Research Master Thesis Seminar 1 0.5 / 1
Entrepreneurial Leadership Negotiations 2 0 / 1.5
  TOTAL 30 6 / 4
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