
Study Programs

Lauder Business School offers 3 different business degree programs

Where it all begins

Lauder Business School (LBS) was founded in 2003 as a University of Applied Sciences (Akkreditierte Trägerin von Fachhochschulstudiengängen) with the aim of offering young people a first class business education on an extremely international campus in the heart of Central Europe. Our institution is a fully recognized and government-funded University of Applied Sciences. Our degree programs are in line with the Bologna requirements, accredited by the Austrian Agency for Quality Assurance and listed with the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy.

Pursuant to section 4, sub-section 2 § 3 of the University of Applied Sciences Act (Fachhochschulgesetz – FHG) as amended, an FH study program is to be designed in such a way that it can be completed in the prescribed time. Principally, attendance is obligatory for all courses unless this is precluded by the teaching method – meaning classes may be scheduled between 8.30 and 21.00 during the week (classes end early on Friday afternoons and the day before Jewish Holidays). For this reason, only one FH degree program can be attended at a time.

The present document represents the updated template of the educational contract offered by Lauder Business School (LBS), following § 2 (6) FHG, excluding our online MBA program. All the curricula for our University of Applied Sciences degree programs are published on our website under their respective pages, ensuring easy accessibility and transparency for all prospective and current students.

ACBSP Accreditation 

In 2018, Lauder Business School began the extensive process of getting its study programs recognised for their excellence in the Unites States, by the U.S. quality assurance agency Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). 

Founded in 1988, the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) is a global business education accrediting body and offers accreditation to all levels of collegiate business educational degree programs including Bachelor and Master’s programs. ACBSP assesses whether or not business programs offer a rigorous educational experience and commitment to continuous quality improvement.

In order to determine the value of a business program, ACBSP focuses on three major aspects: recognising teaching excellence, determining student learning outcomes, and seeing a continuous improvement model in the program. To accomplish this, they assess the quality of a program´s aspects of leadership, strategic planning, relationships with stakeholders, academic programs, faculty credentials, and educational support. ACBSP’s student-centred teaching and learning approach ensures, through their rigorous assessment, that students gain the right skills from their educational investment.

Any student who graduated after December 12th, 2018, the date of LBS’ entering the ACBSP candidacy, is grandfathered into graduating from an ACBSP accredited study program.

Bachelor in International Business Administration

  • Specialize in Marketing for SME’s or international Finance
  • 4-month internship as part of the program
  • Fixed duration of studies (3 years)
  • Finance/Marketing Business Simulation
  • Connect with the Bloomberg Professional Services
  • Introduction to Data-Driven and Growth Marketing
  • Learn one additional foreign language from scratch

Master in International Management and Leadership

  • In-depth training in applied business administration and international management
  • Access to financial data sources – Bloomberg
  • Learn to use SAP & receive a certificate
  • Get IPMA-D certificate at a 50% discount
  • Focus on Business Analysis, a fast growing field in the industry
  • Student Consultancy Project with a partner company
  • Real-world practitioners as lecturers
  • Work part-time & accredit some courses


Master in Strategic Finance & Business Analytics

  • In-depth training in asset management, financial management, and banking processes
  • Focus on Business Analytics, a fast growing field in the industry
  • Access to financial data sources Bloomberg & R statistical software
  • Learn to use SAP & receive a certificate
  • Get IPMA-D certificate at a 50% discount
  • Student Consultancy Project with a partner company
  • Real-world practitioners as lecturers
  • Work part-time & accredit some courses

Online MBA 

  • Receive an MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree from an ACBSP-accredited boutique business school
  • Flexible learning – all classes are online (easily accessible webinars + live sessions and resources)
  • Real-world practitioners as lecturers
  • Academic excellence combined with practical projects/deliverables
  • State-of-the-art and contemporary learning content
  • In-depth hands-on knowledge in a multitude of fields (marketing, strategy, HR, supply chain, accounting, finance, economics, etc.)
  • International and interactive learning environment
  • Major in Green & Sustainable Business Management or International & Digital Marketing
  • Learn to use various tools (SAP, SAS, Bloomberg) and obtain certificates
  • Excellent job market statistics
  • Network of high-potential executives


Online Executive MBA (EMBA)

  • Receive an MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree from an ACBSP-accredited boutique business school
  • Flexible learning – all classes are online (easily accessible webinars + live sessions and resources)
  • Real-world practitioners as lecturers
  • Academic excellence combined with practical projects/deliverables
  • State-of-the-art and contemporary learning content
  • In-depth hands-on knowledge in a multitude of fields (marketing, strategy, HR, supply chain, accounting, finance, economics, etc.)
  • International and interactive learning environment
  • Major in Green & Sustainable Business Management or International & Digital Marketing
  • Excellent job market statistics
  • Network of high-potential executives

Educational Training Contracts

As an operator of UAS degree programs, the Lauder Business School is required by law to conclude an educational training contract between the institution and the student determining the rights and duties of both parties and their respective legal basis.

This contract is comprised of the following points:

• Subject Matter of the Contract
• Obligations of the Operator of the Degree Program
• Obligations of the Student
• Assessment of Student’s Performance
• Tuition Fee/ Program Fee
• Exploitation right for final papers (Bachelor Theses and Master Theses) and intellectual property of students
• Termination of the Educational Contract
• Arbitration Tribunal
• Governing Law

Please find the contract for the Bachelor Program and the two Master Programs here.
Find the contract for the online MBA and the online EMBA here.

Our Promise

We are committed to preparing students for professional careers in globally acting companies and organizations. To achieve this goal, we focus on student-centered learning in a highly international environment. LBS’s teaching staff, who possess both scholarly qualifications and industry expertise, provide high-level academic training for future success in business management. Diversity challenges arising in LBS are addressed constructively as part of our process-oriented quality management system. We harness our worldwide business network in order to improve the career prospects of students and graduates.

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