
Selected Publications

Csermely, T. & Rabas, A. (2016). How to reveal people’s preferences: Comparing time consistency and predictive power of multiple price list risk elicitation methods, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 53(2), 107-136. doi: 10.1007/s11166-016-9247-6.

Eder, G. & Csermely, T. (2017). Industrie 4.0 im Einkauf, Giesserei104(9), 64-67.

Engelhardt, K. (2019). Erfolgreiche Interne Kommunikation im Digital Workplace. Basics und Tools: Social Intranet, Mitarbeiter-App, Mitarbeitermagazin. Springer Verlag, Essentials.

Engelhardt, K. (2019). Erfolgreiche Mitarbeiterkommunikation für CEOs. Basics und Tools: CEO-Blog, Dialogrunden, Events, Mitarbeiterbeteiligung. Springer Verlag, Essentials.

Fischer, K., Reiner, C., Staritz, C. (Eds.) (2021). Globale Warenketten und ungleiche Entwicklung. Arbeit, Kapital, Konsum, Natur. Gesellschaft – Entwicklung – Politik, Band 20. Mandelbaum.  

Grumiller, J., Grohs, H., Reiner, C. (2021).  Increasing the resilience and security of supply of production post-COVID-19”- The Case of Medical and Pharmaceutical Products, Materialien zu Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Nr. 216. Wien.  

Pauser, S., and Wagner, U. (2020). Judged by its look: Assessing the comprehensibility and perceived appearance of sign language avatars, Marketing ZFP – Journal of Research and Management, 42(3), 48-62.  doi: 10.15358/0344-1369-2020-3-48. 

Pauser, S., and Wagner, U. (2019). A wearable sales assistant: Capturing nonverbal behaviors using sensor technology, Marketing Letters. 30(1), 13-25.  doi: 10.1007/s11002-019-09483-x. 

Pauser, S., Wagner, U. and Ebster, C. (2018). An investigation of salespeople’s nonverbal behaviors and their effect on charismatic appearance and favorable consumer responses, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 38(3), 344–369.  doi: 10.1080/08853134.2018.1480383.

Reiner, C., Sardadvar, S. Meyer, S. (2017). Urban attraction policies for academic talent: Vienna and Munich in comparison. In: Cities, 61, 27-35, doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2016.10.010.

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