New LBS Working Paper Series launched

New LBS Working Paper Series launched

LBS proudly presents its new LBS Working Paper Series.
The LBS Working Paper Series presents applied research completed by LBS faculty, outstanding graduates and partners.

Reports of successful STT staff

Reports of successful STT staff

Contemporary concepts of government take into account the interplay of technological innovation, citizensโ€™ participation and business competitiveness. The Central and Eastern European e-Democracy and e-Government Network regularly brings together scholars, practitioners, and high-level decision-makers from the public sector (e.g. the Austrian Federal Chancellery and the Council of Europe). The networkโ€™s core objective is to discuss topics such as open data, a European Internet, citizen participation in the EU, and age and digital divide. A strand of activities which has proven to be particularly compelling for LBS is smart cities.

Mexico Meeting Lauder Business School

Dr. Hannes Ametsreiter, the CEO of A1 Telekom Austria and the Mexican Ambassador in Austria, Mr. Gongora, honoured us with their presence in a get together event with the Mexican Delegation.

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