Outgoing Student Mobility for Traineeships
The Erasmus+ internship/traineeship mobility scheme for students and soon-to-be graduates supports mobility to other European countries for the period of an internship.
Such an internship/traineeship has to be related to the content of the degree studied at LBS. It has to increase a studentโs professional and intercultural competencies to enhance his/her employability and career prospects.
Funding is granted to partially cover extra costs incurred by international mobility (e.g. buying a plane ticket, paying the deposit for the apartment, housing in a hostel before finding an apartment, buying food in a restaurant if no kitchen is available).
Erasmus+ Programme countries:
- All EU member states
- Macedonia, ICE, LIE, NOR, TUR, Serbia

General Information
Pre-requisites for Erasmus+ Internship funding:
- You must beย enrolledย in one of LBSโs degree program.
- Erasmus+ funding can beย used for paid or unpaid internships/traineeshipsย with any employer in one of the program countries. Entrepreneurial/self-employed/free-lance activities are not eligible.ย No fundingย will be granted for internshipsย in EU institutions andย governmental institutions.
- Erasmus+ SMT funding can be combined with anย AIESEC internship.
- Internships in Austria will not be fundedย as it is not a mobility per se.
- You are advised to acquaint yourself with the necessary formalities in connection with your entry to and residence in the host country early on. You can find travel information on the Website of the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If you need further information, please contact the foreign representation (embassy/consulate) of the relevant host country in Austria. Please note that special conditions of residence apply to third-country nationals (also with a residence permit for Austria) and that in some cases it may be necessary to obtain a visa for your stay in the host country.
(1) Funding forย compulsory internshipsย which are part of the curriculum (i.e. PPT in the 6th semester of the IBA program)
(2) Funding forย voluntary internshipsย which students do during their vacation from studies (min. 2 months)
(3) Funding for graduate internships/traineeships. In this case, your traineeship must occur within one year of your graduation and you must apply while still being enrolled in your higher education institution.
- long-term traineeship: minimum of 2 months and a maximum of 12 months.
- Students and recent graduates can also do a blended mobility, combining a virtual period with a physical short or long-term mobility. The short-term physical presence abroad as part of blended mobility lasts a minimum of 5 days and a maximum of 30 days.
- Internships cannot be interrupted for a longer period than the amount of days off an intern is legally entitled to in the destination country.
- One immediate extension is possible if one applies for it with the LBS International Office at least one month before the end of the granted funding period.
- Maximum of 12 months of funding for any Erasmus+ mobility per degree cycle (BA- 12 months, MA โ 12 months, PhD โ 12 months).
An Erasmus+ mobility grant does not include insurance coverage. Candidates must make the necessary arrangements themselves well in advance before they leave for their stay abroad.
For your Erasmus+ Internship funding you need the following insurances:
- Health insurance
- Accident and liability insurance
Insured persons with an European health insurance card are advised to contact their insurance and inquire about the scope of medical services provided by selfsame. We recommend additional insurances for the time being and your spare time activities (a liability insurance and a travel health insurance are recommended. Contact the health insurance carrier; get information on possible co-insurance or insurance through credit card issuer).
Before you start your internship, you are obliged to find out from your employer whether or not he will provide accident and/or liability insurance for you during your internship. As a student, you are granted subsidiary accident and/or liability insurance coverage at your internship workplace and on the way between your home and your workplace under your Austrian National Students Union (รH) insurance policy (What does the OEH insurance cover), provided you have paid your Students Union contribution (รH Beitrag) for the semester in question (please mind: this does not apply for graduate internships). However, you are advised to take out additional insurance that will also provide coverage outside of working hours.
Neither the Lauder Business School nor OeAD GmbH or any of the other institutions involved in the implementation of the ERASMUS+ Internship Programme accept any liability for the consequences of non-existent or inadequate insurance coverage.
You are advised to acquaint yourself with the necessary formalities in connection with your entry to and residence in the host country early on. You can find travel information on the Website of the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If you need further information, please contact the foreign representation (embassy/consulate) of the relevant host country in Austria. Please note that special conditions of residence apply to third-country nationals (also with a residence permit for Austria) and that in some cases it may be necessary to obtain a visa for your stay in the host country.
Students whose main working language is Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, German, Greek, English, Estonian, Spanish, Finnish, French, Irish Gaelic, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Maltese, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian or Swedishย have to complete an online self-assessment to establish their language skills before and after their stay abroad (students, who are native speakers in these languages, are exempt).
These online self-assessments areย mandatory and have to be completed before the start and after the endย of the stay.
The students concerned by this new program receive the invitation for the language assessment by email from the database. Please also check your spam folder and add the email address to your contacts to avoid missing the email.
- The results of the language assessment do not influence the Eramsus+ funding.
- You will receive the link to your online assessment before your mobility.
- If the student faces any problem during the mobility, s/he is requested to contact the LBS International Office at his/her earliest convenience.
- In case of unforeseen circumstances which force an SMT beneficiary to interrupt or prematurely terminate his/her internship (force majeure), the LBS International Office has to be immediately informed. Otherwise the beneficiary will have to pay back the entire grant.
- If a student wants to extend his/her internship or renew his/her internship after graduation, the LBS International Office must be contacted by e-mailย at least six weeks aheadย of the termination of the approved internship period. The LBS International Office will provide further instructions. It has to be borne in mind that the minimum duration of the extended or renewed mobility is 2 months.
Application Procedure
Candidates must submit the following documents at least 15 days before the planned mobility in English language to the International Office:
- Filled-out and signed Learning Agreement for traineeships (see section “Necessary Documents and Downloads”)
- Valid Internship contract signed by both parties
- Motivation letter max. 500 words
After successful submission of documents, you will receive a nomination e-mail from the OeAD. You will be asked to create an account where you will find your grant agreement. Two copies of the grant agreement have to be signed and returned to the OeAD before your mobility.
VISA: In case you need to
Financial Matters
- LBS students are not exempted from tuition fees at LBS during Erasmus+ mobility.
- Funding will be calculated based on an actual day-count calculation. 80% of the grant will be paid at the beginning of the mobility period, 20% after its successful conclusion and reporting.
- Additional expenses cannot be reimbursed.
Grant levels and fixed rates for exchanges between Programme and Partner countries are published in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide.
Students with special needs (i.e. physical or mental illness or disability and/or mobility with children) can apply for additional financial assistance. No special needs assistance will be granted based on socio-economic needs.
Double funding is clearly not permitted. Recipients of Austrianย Studienbeihilfeย orย Selbsterhalterstipendiumย can transfer their benefits to the destination country during the Erasmus+ mobility period. However, they will only receive a top-up amount from Erasmus+.
If you receive a study grant (Studienbeihilfe) from the Austrian Study Grant Authority (Stipendienstelle) and are planning to go on ERASMUS+, you MUST also apply for financial aid for your studies abroad (Auslandsbeihilfe) at the Study Grant Authority. After processing your application, the Study Grant Authority will issue an official notice about financial aid for your studies abroad (Auslandsbeihilfenbescheid). You will be required to hand in the official notice about financial aid (Auslandsbeihilfenbescheid) to the OeAD, together with the signed contract. You will receive the โTop-Upโ ONLY after handing in both documents to the OeAD. The โTop-Upโ is the reduced grant for study grant recipients. It is paid by the OeAD and consists of the ERASMUS grant for the host country MINUS the financial aid for your studies abroad (Auslandsbeihilfe). The 80%-20% regulation also holds for Top-Ups. The financial aid for your studies abroad will be paid monthly by the Study Grant Authority (together with your regular study grant).
Reporting Duties
The following reporting duties have to be fulfilled to receive the second funding instalment and to get the special mention in the Diploma supplement.
To be submitted to the OeAD Erasmus Office:
1. Confirmation of attendance traineeship
This form (see section “Necessary Documents and Downloads” can be signed by the employer not earlier than six days prior to the
last day of the internship and must be submitted within 30 days to the OeAD Erasmus Office either in person or by postal mail. Given
the case that you send the form from your employerโs official account, an e-mail submission is acceptable.
2. Answer the survey as soon as requested by OeAD (you’ll be invited by mail, please also check your spam/junk folders)
Upon fulfilment of this reporting duty, the beneficiary will receive his/her second instalment (20% of the funding rate).
To be submitted to the LBS International Office:
- Signed Traineeship Certificate (page 5 of the Learning Agreement, see section “Necessary Documents and Downloads”)
- Narrative report of the mobility experience (focus on professional/academic learning min. 250 words) for the LBS website
- Picture of beneficiary at his/her workplace or at a landmark in the destination country for the LBS website (minimum 3-4 to choose form)
- Completion of the EU Survey (an automatically generated link to this electronic survey will be e-mailed to the student by OeAD)
Necessary Documents and Downloads
Learning Agreement for trainees:
Learning Agreement for Traineeships
Guidelines on how to use the Learning Agreement:
Guidelines on how to use the Learning Agreement for Traineeships
Confirmation of Attendance form for all trainees:
Confirmation_of_attendance traineeship
Certificate of Insurance for all trainees:
Certificate of insurance_LBS
What does the OEH insurance cover