Europeโ€™s biggest Jewish event is coming to Germany for the first time! And you can become part of the organization team!

From July 27 โ€“ August 5, 2015, the European Maccabi Games (EMG2015) take place in Berlin: 2000 Jewish athletes, 30 countries, 20 sports, 11 great events. We, the European Jews, will show our talent in hosting the world and getting spectacular games going. But we can only be successful with your support. Become a volunteer and you will be able to participate in all events, of course free of charge. It is very simple to become a volunteer: complete the form and send it to us either via email, mail, or in any other way โ€“ also a formless email to [email protected] including the required details will do. Please click here for the application form: Volunteer_Flyer_20140715

Whatโ€˜s next?
We confirm the receipt of your details and add you to our volunteering database. In about half a year we will contact you again and inform you about further details. Then we will begin to make precise plans.

We are looking forward to meeting you!

The EMG2015 are looking forward to meeting you!

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