Students are the essence of a business school. But their learning experience is being increased by committed faculty members who constantly reflect on their teaching. To grant a top-quality degree, lecturers must know the requirements of the industry, refer to cutting edge research, and deploy the latest teaching and learning methods.


In this spirit, two LBS professors attended with great interest the annual FHK-Symposium in November 2013. The event was entitled โ€˜Teaching Forever?!โ€™ โ€“ Identity and perspectives from Lectures of Universities of Applied Sciences, and gathered lecturers from numerous tertiary education providers and internationally renowned experts.


Themed by the profession of lecturing at University of Applied Sciences, the FHK Symposium focused on analysing and further discussing topics related to the identity, image and future perspectives of lectures. Among others, the question was addressed how to acknowledge short term needs and foster long term expectations by making use of innovative didactic techniques. Ideas were exchanged on maintaining enthusiasm while teaching and respecting the profession.


For more insight into the topics discussed please click here

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