
In July 2015 a scientific committee conducted a full-day on-site evaluation of the Mobiliversity project. Prof. Dr. Klaus Beck, Chair of Business Education at the renowned Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, headed the evaluation committee. It further comprised representatives of the project sponsoring agency, namely the MA 23 of the City of Vienna. The evaluators comprehensively investigated all project components, such as applied research, the Diversity Workshops, publishing activities, and sustainable benefits for the curriculum as well as LBSโ€™s institutional development. The process included interviews with the project collaborators, the Executive Manager and the Directors of Studies as well as, most significantly, students and alumni from all degree programs. Moreover, they thoroughly inspected all written project documentation.

In the concluding statement of his evaluation report, Professor Beck states that, โ€œwithout any doubt the Mobiliversity project had a great impact on LBS and brought about widely accepted results. It benefited from the unanimous consent that this endeavor was not only welcome but actually had compelling objectives. The core objectives of improving diversity management and alleviating diversity-related discords were accomplished.โ€ Professor Beck encourages LBS to further strengthen its exceptional intercultural profile in all curricula. By way of conclusion, the evaluation committee points out the studentsโ€™ unequivocal appreciation of the Mobiliversity project.

LBS profoundly benefited from this external evaluation and Professor Beckโ€™s instructive expertise. It will continue its efforts to effectively manage a highly international learning and working environment in order to prepare its students for globally competitive careers.


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