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Vienna, Austria

Mag.a Paula Herrera

Erasmus staff mobility

July 13-17, 2015


The Lewis School is specialized in teaching methodology, and since 2008 it has been delivering methodology conferences worldwide. Their training focuses on ‘bringing learning to life’ – engaging learners with a wide variety of resources and techniques, rather than merely following a course book.

The course Teaching Methodology is designed to give the teachers a multitude of new ideas for the classroom, considering a number of areas of teaching, including classroom management, materials development, teaching methodologies, and classroom practice, e.g. error correction techniques.

The tutors were superb and the quality of the course was extremely high. They demonstrated to us how to use new approaches, teaching strategies, and pedagogical concepts so we could create more productive lessons relevant to our contexts.

Classroom observations and feedback was also a key component to the course. We had the opportunity to observe classes at the school, followed by reflection and feedback sessions. This gives us an opportunity to see our class from a different perspective as well as observing the techniques and methods used by the trainers.

We were 8 participants from 5 countries on our Erasmus+ course. We’ve learned from each other about educational practices in Poland, Italy, Bulgaria, Austria/Spain, and Thailand.

This mobility has been a great opportunity to cooperate on concrete activities. It was a very intensive week, full of knowledge, international cooperation and experience sharing, as well as fun activities.