Ricardo Leiman

Expert in Global Commodities Market, London and Brazil
Based on the Chinese proverb โ€˜Give a human a fish and you feed him/her for a day. Teach a human to fish and you feed him/her for a lifetimeโ€™, the humanitarian aid organization Tag funds projects in developing economies. Deploying Israeli expertise in technology, health care, agriculture and community resilience, Tag seeks to create sustainable solutions for local populations mainly in South and South-East Asia,East Africaand the Former Soviet Union.

To understand the rationale behind Tagโ€™s activities, one has to know our guest speaker Ricardo Leimanโ€™s impressive life DSC_7164trajectory. Born into a Brazilian-Jewish family to a mother who fledEgyptduring theNassercrisis in 1956 and a father who could escape Nazi Germany in 1936, Mr. Leiman received an internationally minded secular education, but also attended Jewish school to study Torah in Hebrew. His emigrant parents instilled in him the values of open-mindedness, entrepreneurship, a strong connection to the familyโ€™s Jewish roots and humility.

Mr. Leimanโ€™s upbringing paved the way for his successful career in the global commodities market. In addition to excellent business education, the experience of living in six different countries and learning their languages enabled him to set up several new ventures in a formerly closed economy such asBrazil and across the globe. His advice is straightforward, โ€˜Be true to yourself, find a passion, choose role-models you can learn from, and work close to the decision-makers. Above all, know where you come from and spend time with your family.โ€™

Proud of his Jewish background and cosmopolitan entrepreneur track, Ricardo Leimanโ€™s philanthropy aims at implementing Biblical values by supporting primarily non-Jews in increasing their standard of living, and by improving Israelโ€™s image as a provider of smart development cooperation. Charity thereby needs more than just fund-raising and donations. It requires solid values and feasible strategies, empowering poverty-stricken people to achieve economic prosperity.

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