Lauder Business School and our faculty always strive to include the latest business developments, thereby putting great emphasis on the relevance of the curricula to current trends in the job market. One of the ways we achieve this is by inviting top experts from relevant fields to deliver their professional insights in class.
On October 22, 2018 as part of the Financial Instruments and Trading course taught by Mag. Robert Kotal CFP, EFA, our first semester students of the Banking, Finance and Compliance master program had the chance to meet Mag. Andrea Jungmann, Managing Director at Sotheby’s Austria, Hungary and Poland and Senior Director at Sotheby’s London. Discussing the question of the pricing of arts, our students followed a highly interesting presentation of the arts market and examined arts as an investment instrument, considering important criteria for art collectors/investors.
Furthermore, on December 5, Mag. Kotal organized a fireplace talk via Skype for his students to meet the famous Swiss whistleblower Rudolf Elmer who formerly disclosed confidential banking documents to WikiLeaks detailing the activities of a Swiss group in the Cayman Islands and its role in alleged tax evasion in offshore-banking. Apart from his professional history as a compliance officer he also answered personal questions by our students about the very difficult role of a whistleblower.
For our third semester BFC students Mag. Kotal organized two guest lecturers as part of his Compliance Practice in Banks course. On October 30, Mag. Judith Reischer, Head of Banking Inspection at Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) gave insights into the important mission and goals of the FMA as an independent, autonomous and integrated supervisory and resolution authority. The students were impressed by the broad portfolio of different thematic focuses of supervisions and on site inspections and furthermore how the different inspection approaches take place in reality.

BFC class with Mag. Jungmann

Skype session with Rudolf Elmer
In addition, on December 18, the students had the unique opportunity to meet Dr. Martina Koger from the Ministry of internal affairs, Bureau of Anti-Corruption, who talked about the anti-corruption measures of the Austrian government as well as different concepts such as the principal-agent-client model of corruption. She also discussed different perceptions of corruption and approaches to tackle corruption worldwide.
We were very pleased to welcome our distinguished guests as part of the Banking, Finance and Compliance masterโs program who delivered valuable insights from their fields that will certainly benefit our students in their future professional life.

BFC class with Dr. Martina Koger

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