Lauder Business School would like to introduce and congratulate the graduating class of 2018 —
Well done everyone, you made it!


On Friday, June 29, Lauder Business School had the honor of welcoming graduates’ families and friends as well as faculty and staff to the graduation ceremony acknowledging the achievements of our BA and MA graduates.

The ceremony started with a speech by the Executive Director, Mr. Alexander Zirkler, who congratulated the students on completing their studies and assured them that they are ready for the challenges of tomorrow. In continuation of the ceremony, our Guest of Honor Mr. Razi Golan MA, who is a Business Development Manager at Webpals and a proud LBS alumnus, addressed our fresh graduates with advice both from his personal and professional life and reminded them to never forget their family and friends on the path to success.

The ceremony also celebrated the bestowal of Fachhochschule (FH) Professorship for our committed Director of Master Studies, Prof. (FH) Dr. Tamás Csermely. The Chairperson of the Council Prof. (FH) Dr. Edith Singer congratulated him on his valuable dedication to Lauder Business School and his innovative approach to teaching.

The Director of Bachelor’s Studies, Prof. (FH) Mag. Julius Dem, MBA, addressed the graduates in a very inspiring and emotional speech, “You probably think this is the most important day of your life. Trust me, it’s not. This is the most important day for your parents. You will forget this speech and graduation as I forgot mine, but they won’t.” He reminded the graduates to thank their parents for their unconditional love and support throughout the years.

We wish all our Graduates good luck and much success in the future! Keep in touch with your classmates and stay connected with your alma mater through our alumni website.

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