Invitation to the Conference on Business Ethics and Competitiveness in SMEs

Invitation to the Conference on Business Ethics and Competitiveness in SMEs

It is a pleasure to invite you to the 2016 European Microeconomics of Competitiveness Chapter Conference, titled Business Ethics and Competitiveness in SMEs. The conference is organized by the University of Applied Sciences for Management and Communication (FHWien) in cooperation with Lauder Business School and will take place in Vienna, Austria from November 14 to 16, 2016.

Commercialization Laminar Flow (IST Austria)

Commercialization Laminar Flow (IST Austria)

The Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) is a PhD granting research institution dedicated to basic research in the natural and mathematical sciences. Located in the city of Klosterneuburg on the outskirts of Vienna, IST Austria was inaugurated in 2009 with a total budget of 1.3 billion Euros of public funding until 2026.

GAEA โ€“ a brand analysis (Winkelbauer GmbH)

GAEA โ€“ a brand analysis (Winkelbauer GmbH)

Objectives of the project
Winkelbauer GmbH is an Austrian medium-sized company that distributes premium international nutrition brands in Austria. Lauder Business School was contacted by the company to deliver support for marketing analysis, as well as related recommendations for GAEA products, which are distributed by Winkelbauer GmbH in Austria. GAEA is a company that sells products made in Greece such as various types of olive oils and olives.



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