Researching Innovation in Austria

Researching Innovation in Austria

Christian Reiner, senior researcher at LBS, has co-authored the โ€œAustrian Research and Technology Report 2019โ€. This annual report has been published by three Austrian ministries and written by external experts from applied research institutes and universities. Given the importance of the report for the wider public, it is an honour to contribute to this official publication.

IoT in Business – a Digital Futuretrail Approach

IoT in Business – a Digital Futuretrail Approach

On May 16 another inspiring fireplace talk took place in the ballroom of Lauder Business School. Tagrid Morad, a guest from LBSโ€™ and FHWien der WKWโ€™s common Israeli Erasmus+ partner Ben Gurion University of the Negev, took the opportunity to open the talk with a few words about the fruitful international collaboration between the universities involved.

Exclusive Personal Branding Workshop for Executives

Exclusive Personal Branding Workshop for Executives

In 2019, the future of branding is personal. Personal stories, not facts and figures, resonate with people.   We are pleased to announce that an exclusive corporate workshop on the topic of โ€œPersonal Branding for Executivesโ€ will take place June 6, from...
Peek into our IOT Futuretrail Masterโ€™s Course

Peek into our IOT Futuretrail Masterโ€™s Course

From a distance the digital and analog blue planet looks the same – but for present and future business leaders it is crucial to know the difference in order to understand their digital transformation.Thatยดs where the Internet of Things (IOT) Futuretrail Course conducted by our lecturer Mag. Robert Kotal kicks in, using a complete new teaching approach W-A-V-E.

Vienna once again voted the Best City to Live and Study

Vienna once again voted the Best City to Live and Study

Vienna, located in the vibrant heart of central Europe, where classic culture, music and art meet a modern, diverse and multicultural lifestyle of the 21st century, was once again pronounced the best city to live in worldwide.According to the Annual Mercer Quality of...
LBS Students Score Higher

LBS Students Score Higher

We are glad to report that the quality of our bachelor and master education programs stands out in international comparison. Our students have recently completed worldwide acknowledged, unbiased tests in business education and scored better than their peers from other international business programs.

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