Sustainability Project with Coca-Cola Austria

Sustainability Project with Coca-Cola Austria

We are delighted to announce that our students from the International Management & Leadership master program recently finalized their 8-month Student Consultancy Project under the title โ€œCoca-Cola โ€“ Transforming Sustainability Efforts and Best Practices to the Customersโ€™ mindโ€. The students collaborated tightly with the Marketing & Communications Team at Coca-Cola Austria GmbH and the project coordinator, Prof. (FH) Tamรกs Csermely, Ph.D., M.Sc.

Boon or Bane? Globalization and its Effects on Austrian Regions

Boon or Bane? Globalization and its Effects on Austrian Regions

Christian Reiner, senior researcher at the LBS, published a new peer reviewed journal article in the journal โ€œRegional Science Policy & Practiceโ€ (RSPP) on the effects of globalization on structural change in the Austrian regions. He co-authored the paper with Sascha Sardadvar, who works as a senior researcher at WPZ Research in Vienna.

Congratulations to Dr. Reiner on the FH Professorship

Congratulations to Dr. Reiner on the FH Professorship

On June 16, 2020 our Head of Research and Senior Lecturer Dr. Christian Reiner was bestowed an FH (Fachhochschule โ€“ University of Applied Sciences) professorship title. Dr. Reiner has been a valued member of the Lauder Business School faculty team since 2016 and has led the research agenda ever since.

LBS Students Consulting Breitspur Planungsgesellschaft

LBS Students Consulting Breitspur Planungsgesellschaft

Breitspur Planungsgesellschaft is a joint venture founded between four state railway companies, uniting Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine and Russia in a multinational railway project. The project is directed to bring a direct railway connection from Asia to the centre of Europe by extending the existing broad-gauge line from Kosice to the Twin City region Vienna-Bratislava.

Capitalism and Democracy in the Age of Rising Concentration

Capitalism and Democracy in the Age of Rising Concentration

Christian Reiner, senior researcher at LBS, published a new working paper in the LBS working paper series together with Christian Bellak, professor at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. The topic of capitalism and democracy is extremely current and of interest not only to academic scholars but to everyone who cares about liberal values and a thriving as well as inclusive democracy.

#PeaceBell Kick-off in the Austrian Parliament

#PeaceBell Kick-off in the Austrian Parliament

On March 9, our second semester International Management & Leadership students were invited to a “Peace workshop” in the Austrian Parliament by Member of the Parliament Mag. Martin Engelberg. The workshop primarily served to kick off the Peacebell project within the framework of the course Empirical Research Methods.

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