
Venture Capital Trends: A Fireplace Talk with Mag. Berthold Baurek-Karlic

We recently had the privilege of hosting Mag. Berthold Baurek-Karlic, founder and managing director of Venionaire Capital, at our Fireplace Talk. As a recognized figure in the realms of mergers, acquisitions, and venture capital, Mr. Baurek-Karlic shared insights from his extensive career, focusing on innovation, entrepreneurship, and investment strategies.

Introducing the New Process Management Certification at LBS

Lauder Business School, in collaboration with the Society for Process Management (Gesellschaft fรผr Prozessmanagement – GP), LBS is now offering a unique, internationally-recognized certification program designed to contribute significantly to our studentsยด professional skill set.
This personalized certification is a gateway to great career-enhancing opportunities. Internationally recognized, this certification will showcase our studentsยด proficiency in process management and will help them unlock promising entry and advancement opportunities in various industries. Besides offering a great chance to stand out in the job market, the certification will grant our students access to an extensive pool of companies and process management professionals ready to support them with know-how, mentorship and job offers.

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