
LBS and JIT GmbH bridge the gap between IT and business with Business Process and Quality Management course

Lauder Business School and JIT GmbH partnered to offer “Business Process and Quality Management” courses to the masterยดs students in the International Management and Leadership program. The course is part of LBSยด strategy to uphold its commitment to teach STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) courses and integrate strategies to prepare our students for success in the business world.

Call for Applications โ€“ are you our next Graduate Research Assistant?

After a hiatus caused by the Covid pandemic, Lauder Business School is reopening its Graduate Research Assistant Program (GRAP) for all our Mastersโ€™ students wishing to gain relevant research experience while pursuing their degree at LBS. Applications for the Graduate Research Assistant position 2023/2024 with Prof. Sandra Pauser are now open!

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