CEO of Pallas Capital Dr. Florian Koschat visits LBS

CEO of Pallas Capital Dr. Florian Koschat visits LBS

On April 18, 2018, we were privileged to host Dr. Florian Koschat, the CEO of Pallas Capital Advisory AG as part of the Fireplace Talks at Lauder Business School. During the session, Dr. Koschat gave insight into his company operations, his personal path to success and a very strong motivational speech for our students.

Dr. Harelโ€™s Exchange Week at LBS

Dr. Harelโ€™s Exchange Week at LBS

Dr. Ronen Harel from the Department of Business Administration of the Ben Gurion University of the Negev visited LBS from April 16 to April 20 as part of the Erasmus+ lecturer exchange program. The purpose of his visit was to shadow LBS lecturers and implement best practices in his home institution.

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