Study in Israel with Erasmus+: CALL FOR APPLICATIONS

Study in Israel with Erasmus+: CALL FOR APPLICATIONS

The Erasmus+ program expanded from Europe to many other regions of the world โ€“ among others to Israel! We are proud to announce that the application period for all bachelor students of the cohort 2017 who want to go on an exchange semester in the fall 2018 to Israel is open now!

LBS at BeStยณ Fair for Job, Education, and Training

LBS at BeStยณ Fair for Job, Education, and Training

Lauder Business School is proud to participate in the upcoming BeStยณ fair at Wiener Stadthalle, March 1 โ€“ 4, 2018. With around 75.000 visitors every year and more than 350 exhibitors from Austria and abroad, BeStยณ is one of the most visited events in the sector of education, advanced training and early employment in Vienna.

New research projects at LBS

New research projects at LBS

Christian Reiner, senior researcher at the Lauder Business School, is participating in two recent contract research projects and has published a new paper. The first research project, a project with the centre for Social Innovation (ZSI), is financed by the Austrian Wirtschaftsservice (AWS). The aim is to evaluate and provide suggestions for improving the ex-ante project evaluation scheme of AWS. The project deals with the allocation of public subsidies for private companies, especially but not exclusively start-ups.

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